Monday, April 23, 2012

What is Twitter For? Part Two

What is Twitter For? Part Two of Two

By Cathy Yeatts

If you wish to engage other Twitter users for business contacts, lead generation and so forth, you will need to be mindful not to get your account banned for unsavory behavior. Those using Twitter for business purposes are a bit more directed in their updates; yet you will notice that smart users still work hard to keep the tone casual and conversational, rarely coming with a hard sales pitch. Being overtly sales-oriented is the perfect way to lose followers! Rather, savvy business users craft their updates to provide useful information about their products and services, perhaps providing links that give their followers something of value like a how-to webinar or useful product update.

[caption id="attachment_90" align="aligncenter" width="500"]What is Twitter For? Part Two of Two What is Twitter For? Part Two of Two[/caption]

Business tweeters will invite their followers to sales events where great prizes are given away and deep discounts are offered, or provide their followers with a link to a fantastic coupon. The key for business users is to add value to every tweet so that their followers will look forward to each update and even create a viral buzz by sharing the information with their followers, who might pass it on to their followers, exponentially multiplying the message. Intelligent business users have found Twitter to be an indispensable marketing tool in their efforts to gain and retain loyal and enthusiastic customers.

The point of Twitter depends on your purpose. However, the underlying purpose is really the same - to offer something to your followers that essentially says to them, "Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll make it worth your while." Your personal popularity on Twitter will grow with that approach, and your business will surely experience a larger profile, greater receptivity to your message, and the reward of higher sales.

Wondering how to use Twitter for your business and networking? This simple beginner Twitter tutorial guide will get you started correctly.
See part one of this article here: What is Twitter For?

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What is Twitter For ? Part One

What is Twitter For? Part One of Two

By Cathy Yeatts

Twitter is the micro-blogging platform that is becoming the go-to communication tool for a rapidly expanding number of users. Currently more than 1 million have opened free accounts at for the purpose of sending and receiving short messages, called updates or tweets, that are limited to 140 characters each.

The tweets you compose are received by those who have added you to their friends list and are known as your followers, while you receive the updates from those you have chosen to follow. These updates are also posted publicly for anyone to search who is looking for topics of interest to them.

[caption id="attachment_88" align="aligncenter" width="460"]What is Twitter For? Part One of Two What is Twitter For? Part One of Two[/caption]

That's the basics. Still, many on the outside continue to ask, "What's the point?" In brief, the point is to communicate with a receptive audience the information you want to share, and to do so in a compelling way that elicits a positive response. Let's see if we can shed some light on this hot, hip, and helpful form of communication.

The updates you compose serve to answer the question, "What's Happening?" Your updates are also social interaction, even though a tweet is a very brief, one-sided conversation, initially. If this sounds a bit like blogging, it is similar. Thus the term, 'micro-blogging' refers to the short, concise postings via Twitter.

Those using Twitter to stay in touch with friends use Twitter to interact in various ways, perhaps by sending a personal update, an interesting occurrence, a question they need answers for, or an answer to someone else's query, a link they like, etc. The information types and topics cover the expanse of human communication, as users soon find out! Those tweets which supply quality and value get a greater response while the Twitter user develops a larger following.

In part two of 'What is Twitter For?", we will explore this question for business users.

Cathy Yeatts is a blogger and online entrepreneur. She has just completed a simple beginner Twitter tutorial guide.

If you feel clueless about Twitter, get a copy of What is Twittering?

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