The Federal Reserve Bank – What is it Really?
Author:Tom Genot
The Federal Reserve is one of the largest problems facing America today. The one question many people ask is what does a Federal Government Bank have to do with our nation's problems? For starters it is Federal in name only.
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The Federal Reserve Bank is not part of the US Government. It is actually a privately owned corporation and international bank that was created by Congress in 1913. The passage of the 16th amendment was passed rather shadily, and according to some, illegally. Furthermore it was given the exclusive rights to 'print money' for the U.S. Government by Congress, during the Christmas break in 1913 when most of the representatives were on vacation.
Before the creation of the Federal Reserve the power and responsibility to print our nation's money was done by the Congress of the United States. Sadly since the time when the Federal Reserve was given the power to operate the printing press, the people of America have continually been charged interest on every dollar ever printed. This interest does not go to the Federal Government to benefit Government programs or pay down national debt. It goes directly to the 'cartel banking families' that own the Federal Reserve.
Furthermore the Federal Reserve is responsible for the continuous loss of purchasing power that the dollar has suffered for decades which was done by printing excess money. Since 1971 the US dollar has lost the backing of gold, now it's just created out of thin air. This excess money when added to the Americas money supply 'waters it down' making the total value of the currency weaker so you need more of it to buy something, this is called inflation. Here is the real kicker, the total sum of the United States national debt in all actuality, is the outstanding interest still owed to the Federal Reserve that the American people get stuck paying.
So what does the Federal Reserve do? Well their official roll other than money printing is also to provide a means that will control the amount of money that enters the economy. It is a fine balance that borders between an excess amount of currency creating inflation and not enough creating a recession. The Fed 'when acting responsibly' provides the counter balance to keep inflation and recession in check.
The Federal Reserve is a secretive collection of private banks that have Federal authority. They have no government control or oversight and are accountable to no one for their actions. They pretty much operate in secret keeping the money supply flowing steadily between the exceptionally rich, financial markets, banks and consumers. This is done while they react to both national and international political pressures. The Federal Reserve's meetings are always held in private where decisions are made without any outside input. These decisions ultimately and directly will affect the economic welfare of each person in the nation as a whole.
The Fed also incorporates other mechanisms or tools that can be put to use when necessary. One of the tools that will generate a great deal of attention has to do with the interest rates for banks in particular commercial banks. News of the Federal Reserve changing its interest rates always seems confusing even deceptive to many. However these rates will affect commercial banks which pay the Fed's rate to borrow money thus may or may not directly affect the consumer.
In summary America's biggest problem is actually the Federal Reserve itself. Our congress nearly 100 years ago sold America out by handing over great powers to the corrupt international banking elite, which in-turn have only compromised the well being of our entire economy. It is profit and power first that drive these 'international thieves'. The banking elite are an international group of bankers from several countries and none of them are from America. Therefore they have zero loyalty to American interests nor the American way of life. It is nationalism itself that hinders their business interests.
It was many years ago when one of our founding forefathers actually warned us about the dangers of private banks coming into power. But did we listen?
'If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.' - Thomas Jefferson
Apparently Not!
Tom Genot -
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