What is Sustainable Development?
Imagine a pristine forest, untouched by humankind's hand, the natural eco-system regenerates itself sustaining the different life forms that live inside this unique environment, without harming the living environment. This in essence is sustainable development where the system regenerates, without harm.
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In our current world this simply means what we use, is recyclable or reusable without needing to upset the true balance of the environment. Bottles are recycled, car parts are broken and reused for other purposes, and in economic terms a healthy monetary environment guarantees enough for all, but within certain constraints.
Energy is the key to creating a sustainable society, because fossil fuels cannot be reused, and once extracted and used- irreplaceable. In a society dependent on these fuels, societies are unsustainable, and in the long term face great change, unless an alternative resource is found. One reason sustainable development involves the usage of energies that either can be recycled, reused or simply never ending like solar or wind powered energy.
The way we live within a society, work and accept the limitations of the resources around us, are also a major contribution to a sustainable society, like a living forest that functions around nature, rather than develops quickly but enviatably declines. This means the characteristics of a sustainable society, are of one that nurtures natural energies, whilst develops around the environment it lives in.
Evidence of societies that are sustainable are in our history, the plains Indians survived in the pristine plains of North America, along with the buffalo and wolf packs. This balance was upset with the slaughter of these tribes in the 19th Century, and coincided with the extinction of the buffalo and wolf population. Some say this extinct society was primitive, but evidence shows that it survived thousands of years, whilst the society that replaced it currently faces a development crisis, only one and a half centuries later.
There are few sustainable societies in the 21st century, however some like Brazil, are more sustainable than other countries. Brazil imports little oil, yet runs its transport systems on alternative resources such as palm oil. Eco-friendly cities are slowly developing around nurturing the environment, rather than exploiting it- with the consequences of a booming economy.
Sustainable development in a nutshell, is where society can develop and provide enough for everyone,, without the need to use irreplaceable and often harmful resources to keep it going. A great challenge to the 7 billion plus people that now live on our planet.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_W._Medley