What is Epilepsy Disease?
Epilepsy is a condition which affects the communication between the nerve cells of the nervous system when there is a sudden overactive electrical discharge in the brain. Now let's discuss in detail what is epilepsy disease?
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It's often an overwhelming experience when we get to see a person having hit by an epileptic seizure. Such people often seem lost in their own world, may lose consciousness, may sense a decline in body control or experience irrational fear or panic. These people often feel stressed, exhausted, and weak and confused after the seizure passes by.
Before we proceed any further, it should be kept in mind that if someone's having fits that doesn't mean they are epileptic. Such seizures can occur under life-threatening situations such as dehydration or extreme stress. Epilepsy hits people usually in their younger years. As for others it strikes at a later age. Epilepsy in children has been found to have become less frequent as they grow up. Sometimes it completely vanishes from the system.
There are no exact known causes of epilepsy. One thing is assured that it's a non-communicable disease. It rarely gets passed down in the genetic material. However, the close relative of an epileptic patient faces a higher risk of developing epilepsy than a person with no family history of epileptic seizures.
Experts say that following things can surely make a person vulnerable to develop this condition:
Any pre-natal illness that affected the fetus's brain
Complications during a child's birth
Infections like meningitis or encephalitis that directly affect the brain
Brain injury due to accidents
Brain tumors, strokes, drug abuse, etc.
To tackle the epilepsy disease, it's better to consult neurologists. If a person thinks one has had a seizure, it's important for the doctor to remain informed. The doctor will most likely consider carrying out physical examination (which includes the patient's medical history, family medical history, medications both earlier and current, allergies or any other issues that trouble the patient) and other special tests like electroencephalogram (EEG) to measure the brain's electrical activity and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to take the brain scans.
If epilepsy is detected then the neurologist will recommend a suitable treatment for that patient specifically. Treatment may involve both medication and other types of treatments. Doctors can implant an instrument called vagus nerve stimulator, in some cases. The aim of this instrument is to seizures by sending signals through the vagus nerve in the neck. A ketogenic diet can also be prescribed to supplement those patients who don't show improvement simply based on treatment.
It sounds scary but epileptic people can and do lead normal lives. What needs to be done is following the treatment by the book, being alert, getting adequate sleep, eating right and exercising to keep stress levels under control.
Learn more about what is epilepsy disease and Anti-Convulsant For Epilepsy
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Himanshu_Jakhar