What is Third Eye Meditation?
Third eye meditation is one of the many enigmatic concepts that have befuddled the human mind from centuries. This type of meditation primarily focuses on the ajna (brow) chakra according to Hindu spirituality.
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According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva, the destroyer of the universe possesses the 'Third Eye' which is located between his eyebrows and a little higher than the bridge of the nose. Whenever the universe is threatened by the immoral atrocities committed by mankind, the sacred energy of the third eye engages and burns down the evil to ashes. When Lord Shiva calms down aftermath, he lets the generative energy flow through his third eye to create a new universe.
Through third eye meditation, you establish contact with your inner energies and accumulate them to help you advance to higher levels of spiritual consciousness. You acquire the wisdom to distinguish the layers of this material world and beyond.
To practice third eye meditation, find a quiet and comfortable place. Sit down and take a few deep breaths. Open the doors and windows of your mind and let all the troubling thoughts and feelings escape.
Close your eyes. While breathing in and out, concentrate on the region between your eyebrows i.e. the third eye. Visualize your deep breathing activate this space. Believe that your third eye is a gateway to the state of realization: where you can allow the conscious to expand beyond the earthly levels.
Feel the freedom that comes with the higher knowledge. Let your spirit lose to taste the waters of the deepest seas and scale the height of the highest peaks! As you delve to search the meaning of your existence, you experience a connection with you mind through your third eye. Remain in contact with your mind and still allow your soul to travel to the places that you cannot possibly imagine exist in the material world.
Now, you are in a state where nothing: no thought, emotion or situation, can snatch away this moment: the celebration of stillness, contentment and happiness. Take some deep breaths and let your mind absorb the calmness and allow it to enter the complex layers of the unconscious. Listen to the voices within, the ones you may have left unheard in the hullabaloo of your busy life. Let these voices resonate with every particle of your mind.
With some more deep breaths, let your body and soul slowly be engulfed by the liberated energy. This energy travels from your third eye down to the other parts of the body, sending positive sensations to your spine, moving down to your feet and the soles of your feet. Now, imagine this energy flow link you back to the daily chores of your 'regular' life. But now, you're calmer and stronger to face the challenges for you possess the divine knowledge grasped through the third eye.
This sense of being alive from within empowers you to transmit this energy to other people around you. Allow others to also discover the answers to their innumerable questions by spreading the message of third eye meditation.
Learn more about third eye meditation and third eye meditation Meditation
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Himanshu_Jakhar