What is PR?
There are many misconceptions about what exactly Public Relations is and how important it is in the marketing mix.
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Put simply, public relations is about putting together and sustaining a positive public image for a business, organisation, or person with the end result being a profitable, well thought of organisation.
There are many methods, tools, and techniques that PR professionals use to increase sales margins, enhance reputations and publicise a business.
Before any of this can be done a target audience must be reached to ensure the information is falling into the right hands. Once this is established and the intended image achieved, PR professionals use a combination of the following tools to gain PR for a business:
Media Releases: Press Releases and media kits remain an important part of generating media interest. In this era of technology they are generally emailed to bloggers, website owners, magazine editors, and other people of interest. They contain practical information about the product or service including pricing, availability and use, as well as more creative information about the inspiration behind the product, the benefits, and the point of difference.
Social Networking: Facebook and Twitter have become vital tools to PR professionals. Both help a consumer feel more connected to a product or business and allow them to spread the word more easily. Often, competitions are held on company pages to encourage people to suggest their friends. This sort of activity not only generates interest, but also brands the product or service as something which is out to help the consumer.
Events: These can be either a public or private event. Sometimes events will be held for media personnel during which the company hosts a meal, party, or other event to teach the media about their product. More public events include trade shows, conferences, public appearances, stunts, and store openings.
Personal Relationships: The best PR professionals can befriend almost anybody! Building relationships with media personalities, bloggers, celebrities, and writers is an absolute necessity in PR. Their friendships are what ensure people of note are getting their client's name out there on a regular basis.
Do you use PR in your business?
I Will Talk With Anyone...
Maybe only in America and perhaps only suited to people who want to get some left of centre PR for themselves, but I did actually quite like this idea.
Steve Lambert - sets up a booth in a central location and will talk to anyone. What a great concept.
I remember when I worked in a corporate office there were lots of times at lunchtime it would have been nice to have a conversation with a random person who had something interesting to say. Actually, even now.
Does anyone know of someone in Melbourne doing this?
Jo Macdermott is the Chief Marketing Consultant at Next Marketing in Melbourne. She has 15 years of marketing experience, is a Certified Practising Marketer, and is a sought after marketing media commentator. Her team at Next Marketing can help you devise a marketing strategy, implement a social media plan, and her highly talented graphic designers work alongside her marketing pros to build a solid marketing plan that will help you attract more customers, expand your business, and build momentum for many months to come.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jo_Macdermott